Revenant Gaming PvE | Super Cluster (The Center)

Revenant Gaming PvE | Super Cluster (The Center)
Server Information
Hostname Revenant Gaming PvE - Scorched Earth
Status Checked <1 minute ago
Players 0 / 40
Location United States of America
Version 61.62
Map ScorchedEarth_WP
Group Revenant Gaming
Registered by Sipowicz
Registered since October 24th, 2021 07:06 PM EST
Last update December 4th, 2023 01:22 AM EST
Tag(s) First Person Modded PvE Survival Ascended Third Person Vote Rewards

Discord Server

Vote(s) 0
Rank 736
Score 6
Favorited 0
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Our Community: Welcomes mature players, both Beginners and Veterans. Our mission is to facilitate a "Long Lasting", and "Easy Going" gaming community.

The server cluster is PvE, and open to the public. All mods and settings are player suggested, but we don't stray too far from the official feel. That means moderate rate boosts, official difficulty, and a short list of MODs.

We have active Admins, who do their best to help everyone have a good time. We schedule PvP events as often as possible, both Admin AND Player created.

Servers are hosted on high-performance hardware and located in Montreal.

Revenant gaming is friend-based, Multi-Game community. Join us for the games, and stay for your friends.

Other Servers

Rank Server Players Status Tags
0 / 40 First Person Modded PvE Survival Ascended Third Person Vote Rewards