Server Information
Hostname Les bros
Status Checked <1 minute ago
Players 0 / 20
Location United Kingdom
Version 61.63
Map ScorchedEarth_WP
Registered by XSeanWick
Registered since December 31st, 2023 06:42 PM EST
Last update December 31st, 2023 06:42 PM EST
Tag(s) First Person Modded PvP Survival Ascended Third Person
Vote(s) 0
Rank 2308
Score 3
Favorited 0
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Welcome to A.P.A!

We are a new NO-WIPE cluster.
Here for the long term.

We will have all and every map when available.
Transfers enabled on each.

Please see our discord link and server rates below!


Search “A.P.A”

- 6 Man tribes (No alliances)
- Harvest x 5
- Exp x 3
- Taming x 10
- Maturation x 30(Giga 12h)
- Egg Incubation x 50 (Giga egg 1h)
- Imprints period 15mins (1 imp = 100%)
- Mating intervals 2 - 5 hour cooldown
- Turret cap x 200
- Max wild dino level = 150
- All maps (as they release)
- Loot x 2
- Fishing x 3
- Weapons, saddles and armour cap @ official rates
- Cave damage x 6
- Full PVP

•Additional Customised settings:
- Increased structure limit
- Increased Dino cap amount
- Boss drops loot, increased Element for Island bosses temporarily until traditional methods become available
- Green drops = Artifacts, White drops = 1 of each tribute. All other drops are official loot, but 2 x quality.

• Player Stats:

- Boosted weight +1000
- Food +50
- Water +50
- All other stats Official


- Super spyglass
- Pull it
- Dino + Nanny
- Solo farm mod
••Mod dinos: Helicoprion, Archelon, Deinotherium, Deinosuchus, Xiphactinus, Ceratosaurus.