Server Information
Hostname DatSerber Desert Ark Thing - (v358.24)
Status Checked 1 hour ago / Online 44 days ago
Players 0 / 30
Location United States of America
Version 358.24
Platform Windows
Map Ragnarok
Registered by hwgarkstaff
Registered since April 23rd, 2024 03:34 PM EST
Last update April 23rd, 2024 03:34 PM EST
Tag(s) Modded PvE Ragnarok Survival Evolved
Vote(s) 0
Rank 10333
Score 0
Favorited 0
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Harvey's World Gaming is a new multigaming PvE community looking to grow our Ark Survival Evolved memberbase. We graciously ask to try us out and see if we can be a place you can proudly call home!

```Cluster features```
- cluster transferable element, tributes, ect.
- no buffer overflow disconnects.
- shoulder pet automatic transfer.
- Custom rewarding overworld bosses.
- custom loot tables
- cluster wide chat
- in game shop with starter kits
- dedicated event map

```server rates```
- 3x exp
- 5x harvest
- 10x taming
- 30x hatching
- 20x raising
- .2 mating
- 2x crop growth

```Mods and plugins```
- ark additions
- Krakens better dinos
- Shads Atlas imports
- Shiny dinos!
- Immersive taming
- Dino Storage v2
- HG stacking 1000 50
- CKF Remastered
- Structures plus
- Awesome teleporters
- Awesome Spyglass
- crazy crazy potions
- Lethals reusables
- Marni hairstyles
- roleplay appearal
- Mx-e shop ui
- Advanced rafts
- Eco Trees
- Eco gardens
- Eco Wonderland
- Eco shoppe
- Eco Aberration decor
- Eco Highlands home
- Eco stable structures
- eco RP decor
---- map exclusive mods----
- Island Extension CIE
- Caballus
- Astral Ark
----vip exclusive mods-------
- Best egg
- steampunk

- itemplus
- serverevents
- arkshop
- Arkshopui
- permissions
- rconscheduler
- safezones

``` server ips```
- Island:
- Rag:
- Fjordur:
- Caballus (VIP):
- Event map:

Message me for invite or questions!
Happy hunting!

Other Servers

Rank Server Players Status Tags
0 / 30 Modded PvE Survival Evolved