EPI PVE - Extinction | No Wipe | Vanilla | Boosted Rates

Server Information
Address epi.evo-pve.com:2914
Hostname EPI PVE Extinction 4x XP & Craft/10x Tame/30x Breed - (v358.24)
Status Checked <1 minute ago
Players 4 / 70
Location Sweden
Version 358.24
Platform Windows
Map Extinction
Website https://evoepi.wixsite.com/evoepi/epi-pve-servers
Registered by 14civilian
Registered since November 7th, 2024 05:07 AM EST
Last update November 7th, 2024 06:14 AM EST
Tag(s) Extinction Hardcore PvE Survival Evolved Vanilla

Discord Server

Vote(s) 0
Rank 2177
Score 3
Favorited 0
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Steam Connect: steam://connect/epi.evo-pve.com:28350

PVE Cluster Hosting All Maps
- EPI Cluster supports both Epic Games ARK and ARK Steam, but does not support mods.
- Use Global Chat to communicate with players across all servers we host.
- Our clusters and servers never wipe—no restarts from day one!


EPI Cluster Server Settings
- Max Player Level: 322
- Max Wild Dino Level: 480
- Tek Dinos: 576
- Wyverns: 608

Server Rates and Multipliers:
- Tribe Tame Limit: 250
- Taming: 10x
- Crafting: 4x
- XP: 4x
- Hatching: 5x
- Breeding/Mature Speed: 30x
- Special XP: 4x
- Egg Interval: 0.2x (6-hour interval)
- Food Drain at Tames: 0.5x
- Dino Stamina and Weight XP: 6x
- Character Base Weight: 9x
- Gas Drain: 4x (low drain)
- Allow Dino Feeding: Enabled
- Max Structures: 8,000


Cross Chat Commands

We have the Shop and Currency Kit Mod installed on all our servers. Use these commands for various features:

- /points – Show your current points balance
- /buy – Purchase an item from the shop
- /trade – Send points to another player (quotes are required)
- /buykit – Purchase a kit (if it has a price)
- /shop – View available items in the shop
- /sell – Sell an item
- /shopsell – View items available for selling
- /shophelp – Display custom help message
- /track – Track a specific dino


Other Settings
- Aberration: Flying allowed
- Genesis: Flying allowed
- Global Chat: Active across all maps in our cluster
- Shop Plugin: Use “/shop” in global chat to access the shop

Additional Features:
- Friendly Fire: You can kill team members and their dinos, but not other players or tames
- Crafting Elements: You can craft Elements from Ingots using a Replicator
- Custom Stack Multipliers: Stacking of items like Prime Meat, Mutton, Wyvern Milk, etc.
- TEK Generator & Transmitter Engrams: Unlocks at Level 5
- Character & Dino Downloads: Enabled
- Faster Resource Respawn
- Longer Days, Shorter Nights

4 Online Players

Erin, TheMadViking, satan i gatan, c0pyCat

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