The Beach Bob's Resort (ASA Aberration)!

Server Information
Hostname The Beach Bob's Resort (ASA Aberration)!
Status Checked 2 minutes ago / Online 2 days ago
Players 0 / 70
Location Europe
Version 63.11
Map Aberration_WP
Group The Beach Bob's Resort (ASA)!
Registered by MichielTheRuyter
Registered since December 15th, 2024 09:04 AM EST
Last update December 15th, 2024 09:04 AM EST
Tag(s) First Person Modded PvE Roleplay Survival Ascended Third Person Vanilla

Discord Server

Vote(s) 0
Rank 8136
Score 0
Favorited 0
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

🦈Beach Bob's Resort 🦈 is a friendly, vibrant PvE community for Ark players of any experience level! Privately hosted on powerful hardware and always FREE to play, BBR offers an enhanced vanilla experience with custom settings, mods and plugins! Here's the Discord invite:

# ASA: All official maps + Svartalfheim
ASA Extinction available on launch!
Crossplay supported!

# ASE: Official story maps
On request - PC Steam only

# Features:

* Active & friendly community for all, beginners & veterans welcome!
* Active & friendly staff.
* Frequent community engagement (events/giveaways/etc.)
* Custom built extensions for the community:
* Check Decay timers on Discord.
* Unique dynamic rate managing system with seamless switching & players able to check rates on Discord.
* Much more!
* A fully synchronized chat system!
* Allows chat between Discord ASE ASA Discord.
* Custom tags for individual roles for showcasing.
* We're constantly improving & extending the quality that the BBR provides with new features/functionality. Check out the Discord for more info on this!

# Rates:

β†’ Tame & harvest : 2x | 4x on weekends!
β†’ Exp : 1x | 2x on weekends!
β†’ Maturation : 5x
β†’ More rates can be found in the Discord!

We feature several plugins to make life easier, like:

* A custom decay system: cluster-wide timers, wherever you log in.
* Safer transfers: built-in helpers including shoulder pet saver and item back ups.
* An in-game shop with resources, ammo and more.
* Custom open world boss fights with dedicated loot & scaling difficulty.
* And many more, info in the Discord!

as well as a suite of mods for building, creatures and QoL improvements:

* Additions Ascended: Acro, Brachi and Deinotherium
* Draconis Glaucus
* No Untameables
* Arkitect Structures Remastered
* Cyber's Structures
* Awesome Spyglass! & Super Spyglass Plus
* Best Baby Treat
* Dino Depot
* And many more, info in the Discord!

We welcome you to the Beach Bob's Resort, and hope that we see you wash up on our shores soon!

----------~< 🦈 Discord invite: 🦈>~----------

Other Servers

Rank Server Players Status Tags
0 / 70 First Person Modded PvE Roleplay Survival Ascended Third Person Vanilla
0 / 70 Modded PvE Roleplay Survival Ascended Vanilla
0 / 70 First Person Modded PvE Roleplay Survival Ascended Third Person Vanilla
0 / 70 First Person Modded PvE Roleplay Survival Ascended Third Person Vanilla
0 / 70 First Person Modded PvE Roleplay Survival Ascended Third Person Vanilla