
Server Information
Hostname -[GER][Inselleben][S1][PvE][Hx3Tx5Bx10XPx1]- - (v358.24)
Status Checked 1 minute ago
Players 0 / 64
Location Germany
Version 358.24
Platform Windows
Map TheIsland
Website http://www.inselleben.org
Group Inselleben
Registered by Crare
Registered since February 27th, 2017 12:32 PM EST
Last update October 20th, 2024 01:51 PM EST
Last wipe May 26th, 2023 12:00 AM CEST
Tag(s) First Person PvP Survival Evolved The Island Third Person Vanilla

Discord Server

Teamspeak Server

Vote(s) 0
Rank 1001
Score 5
Favorited 12
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

❬ Ark: Survival Evolved ❭

➠ Einstellungen | Settings
⌬ x5 Taming
⌬ x1 XP
⌬ x3 Harvest
⌬ x5 Breeding + Egg Hatch
⌬ 150 Max Wild Dino Level

⌬ Valguero, LostIsland, Fjordur

⌬ Offline Raid Protection (15min)
⌬ CrossChat

⌬ Cross Server Steam/Epic

➠ Server Specs
⌬ Location: Germany

➠ Weiteres | Additional Info
⌈Unsere bisherige Community besteht aus einem aktiven Spielerkern der zu den unterschiedlichsten Zeiten online ist. Sollte es Problematiken geben, sind ebenso unsere erfahrenen Admins gut erreichbar. Es gibt ein paar wenige Regeln, denn unser Vorsatz ist: Mehr Gebote als Verbote (Diese finden sich auf unserer Homepage). ⌋
⌈Our community offers an active player core at many times during a day. We’ve got active and experienced admins to help in dire situations. Generally there are only a few rules so that noone experiences major restrictions (see them at the homepage or just ask ingame).⌋

➠ Homepage
⌬ http://www.inselleben.org

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