Extinction Chronicles III Begins Tomorrow!
Posted on August 13th, 2018 07:55 PM EST
Extinction Chronicles II!
Tomorrow there will be a client and server side update that will bring Extinction Chronicles III to survivors on PC, Xbox, and PS4!
Leading up to the release of Extinction there will be monthly drops of Extinction-related Explorer Notes on The Island, Scorched Earth, and Aberration. Once collected these notes will unlock new Extinction-related skins!
There will also be the appearance of more powerful Tek-themed Dinosaur variants within the ARKs each month. These Tek Dinos are permanent additions (meaning they will continue to spawn even after the event is over), with a new one beginning to appear each month. In Extinction Chronicles I we released three Explorer Notes, the Corrupted Helmet and the Tek Rex. In Extinction Chronicles II we released three Explorer Notes, the Corrupted Boots and the Tek Stego.
And now, tomorrow we're excited to bring you three new Explorer Notes, the Corrupted Pants and a new Tek creature, the Tek Raptor!
In addition, special colored dinos will be populating the ARKs. You'll be able to find creatures sporting red, black, white, and grey for the next month beginning tomorrow. Be sure to take advantage of these special colors before they're extinct!
Patch Notes!
Here are the full fixes and notes coming in tomorrows Extinction Chronicles III update.
Extinction Chronicles III:
- Added Tek Raptor (5% spawn chance)
- Added new color set (red, black, white, grey)
- Added 3 new Explorer Notes and matching unlock (Corrupted Pants)
- Increased maximum player level by 1
- Added time out to clients who aren't responding
Aberration Balance:
- Increased Plant-Z range by 300%
- Enabled Tek Teleporter on Aberration
Scorched Balance:
- Crop plots can now be grown where you'd expect (no more sunlight issues)
ARK Digest Making A Return!
Just a quick reminder that the ARK Digest will be making a come back! Our goal is to bring the Digest back about once a month with the first being on August 20th.
If you have a question you want answered by the ARK dev team please submit your questions with the Subject "ARK Q&A" to our email address:
[email protected]
Community Livestream #6 This Thursday!
This Thursday August 16th the community team will be doing another biweekly livestream!
During these livestreams Zen Rowe, Chris, and Jen bring you ARK news, celebrate modding, and the community as a whole every other week. We mix it up between playing ARK, showing off mods, and showing off your community creations for all to see. Survivors are invited to join us in the chat (and sometimes even in-game) to play and talk with the community team.
We are accepting any type of ARK related fanart to be featured in the showcase section of the stream and entries are always open. This can be drawings, videos, builds, ANSEL screenshots, handmade crafts, anything ARK related!
You can submit your ARKwork to our streaming email address: [email protected]
Be sure to follow us on our Twitch page so you don't miss a stream! twitch.tv/survivetheark
We'll be hosting our next Community Live Stream on Thursday, August the 16th! We hope to see you there :)
Mod Community Updates!
Good day everybody! Zen here with some reminders.
I know the devkit update hasn't hit the epic launcher yet, however the devkit update that includes TLC 2 content is available for manual install.
So in case that information never crossed your path, you can get it from here:
The tutorial bounty board is starting to look pretty popular, I've already received a few submissions for things like map optimizations and chat commands, so you can look forward to a couple tutorials on that subject at the beginning of next month. If you are interested in helping make tutorials, please check out the board each month to see what bounties are available, they do have cash awards attached to them. If you are looking for some tutorials on topics for yourself but there aren't any bounties for it, you will find a form on the same page to submit a bounty request.
This system is designed to be driven by community needs but I do need your help to know what those needs are, whether it be adding new request topics or voting on existing requests to be made into bounties.
ARK: Evolution Event!
Survivors across ALL Platforms will be receiving a special Evolution Event perk this weekend! It will be active from Friday the 17th of August at 1 PM EST until Monday the 20th of August at 3 PM EST. All Official Servers across each platform will be undergoing this evolutionary change which includes:
2x Harvesting Rates
2x Taming Rates
2x EXP Rates
That's it for this post guys! As always if you’ve got anything to share please get in touch and be sure to follow us on:
Community Hub: www.survivetheark.com
Twitter: twitter.com/survivetheark
Facebook: facebook.com/survivetheark
Reddit: reddit.com/r/playark
Instagram: instagram.com/survivetheark
Twitch: twitch.tv/survivetheark
Youtube: youtube.com/survivetheark