WNG - 5x PVE Cluster | No Map Wipes | Modded | Everyone Welcome!

WNG - 5x PVE Cluster | No Map Wipes | Modded | Everyone

Our PVE ‘No Wipe’ ARK Cluster consists of all 12 official maps and is open to new and experienced players - Starting from scratch or want a new challenge? Whether you want to experience ARK from The Island beginnings or live your best Viking life on Fjordur, we’ve got you covered!

Maybe you want an additional challenge that Vanilla ARK just cannot scratch? Well, we’ve got you there too with our easy Dino Overhaul X Cluster (With Tiered Megas) consisting of Ragnarok and The Center.

Sounds like your cup of tea? Take a look at some of the features we have below!

- Structures Plus
- Lethal's Reusables
- Castles Keeps & Forts: Remastered and Science Fiction
- A variety of decoration options
- PVE Events (Raidable Bases, World Bosses)
- Unique Content (We have our own mod with our own unique items for you to explore!)
- Dino Storage v2
- Kraken's Better Dinos
- ARK Collection: Dino Additions
- Corpse Recovery
- Flyer Speed Levelling
- ARK Shop and Points
- Playtime and Vote Rewards
- Cross Cluster Tribe and Global Chat
- Advanced Dino Tracking
- Improved Supply Drops and Loot Chests
- Custom Engram Progression
- No Map Wipes
- Advanced Decay System
- Player Backups and Recovery

- Experience x 5
- Harvesting x 5
- Taming Speed x 5
- Mating Interval 35-90 mins
- Breeding x 5
- Custom Stack Sizes
- Wild Dinosaur Level: 150
- Max Player Level: 205
- Increased Player and Tame Weight
- 10 Person Tribes
- Genesis Tek enabled

Connecting to the servers without installing the mods will cause you to timeout

The Island - steam://connect/is.wngplay.com:27015
Scorched Earth - steam://connect/se.wngplay.com:27015
Aberration - steam://connect/ab.wngplay.com:27015
Extinction - steam://connect/ex.wngplay.com:27015
Genesis - steam://connect/ge.wngplay.com:27015
Genesis 2 - steam://connect/ge2.wngplay.com:27015

The Center - steam://connect/ce.wngplay.com:27015
Ragnarok - steam://connect/ra.wngplay.com:27015
Valguero - steam://connect/va.wngplay.com:27015
Crystal Isles - steam://connect/ci.wngplay.com:27015
Lost Island - steam://connect/los.wngplay.com:27015
Fjordur - steam://connect/fj.wngplay.com:27015

DinoOverhaul X Easy (Ragnarok) - steam://connect/rad.wngplay.com:27015
DinoOverhaul X Easy with Tiered Megas (The Center) - steam://connect/ced.wngplay.com:27015

Here is the list of Mods we currently run for PvE maps:
(WNG) PvE Cluster Mods

Here is the list of Mods we currently run for DOX maps:
(WNG) DinoOverhaul X (DOX) Mods

Players 9 / 480
Website https://wickedninjagames.com
Registered by wngadmin
Registered since November 19th, 2019 09:55 AM EST
Last update January 17th, 2023 02:42 PM EST


Rank Server Players Status Tags
1 / 40 First Person Modded PvE Survival Evolved Third Person Vote Rewards
0 / 40 First Person Modded PvE Survival Evolved The Center Third Person Vote Rewards
0 / 40 Aberration First Person Modded PvE Survival Evolved Third Person Vote Rewards
0 / 40 First Person Modded PvE Survival Evolved Third Person Vote Rewards
3 / 40 First Person Modded PvE Survival Evolved The Island Third Person Vote Rewards
1 / 40 First Person Modded PvE Survival Evolved Third Person Vote Rewards
1 / 40 First Person Modded PvE Ragnarok Survival Evolved Third Person Vote Rewards
0 / 40 First Person Modded PvE Survival Evolved Third Person Vote Rewards
1 / 40 First Person Modded PvE Survival Evolved Third Person Valguero Vote Rewards
0 / 40 First Person Genesis Modded PvE Survival Evolved Third Person Vote Rewards
2 / 40 Extinction First Person Modded PvE Survival Evolved Third Person Vote Rewards
0 / 40 First Person Modded PvE Scorched Earth Survival Evolved Third Person Vote Rewards