Hawkra's Valguero

Server Information
Hostname Hawkra's Valguero - (v358.17)
Status Checked 4 minutes ago
Players 0 / 30
Location United States of America
Version 358.17
Platform Windows
Map Valguero_P
Registered by Hawkra
Registered since July 8th, 2019 08:20 AM EST
Last update October 10th, 2019 06:22 PM EST
Tag(s) Modded PvE Survival Evolved Third Person Valguero

Discord Server

Vote(s) 0
Rank 1986
Score 3
Favorited 0
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Valguero map low population
builders paradise pve servers. fast taming. easy fast breeding. easy gathering. can go back and forth between Valguero and The Island.
RP welcome tho it is not required. friendly people.you can make your own clan or join ours if you so wish. we do have discord pm me if you
join the server ask for the discord info. we are friendly and do not need any donations to keep this running.. i just run these 2 for the pure fun of it. if you need help getting started with basic gear and im on im more than happy to help out as well..

Ark Steampunk Mod (679529026)
Automated Ark 2.51 (812655342)
castles, Keeps, and Forts Medieval Architecture (764755314)
Death Recovery Mod (v1.11.0) (751991809)
Dino Finder (749507671)
eco In Wonderland (702828089)
Super Tranq Rifle (686599588)
ecoTrees (670764308)
Awesome Teleporters! (889745138)
Classic Flyers (895711211)
Oil Pump (828521689)
Haven Behemoth Walls and Gates (786896932)
Stairs Mod with Rounded Walls v.4.2 (520879363)
Medieval Structures (668239751)
eco's Garden Decor (880871931)
Upgrade Station v1.8i (821530042)
HG Stacking Mod 5000-90 V287.4 (849985437)
Auto Engrams! (1428596566)
Bore Water Kit (730794403)
Dragons and Enhanced Creatures (896413489)
HG Kibble Bench 2.62 (1303271176)
SafeBase (1235049753)
eco's RP Decor (741203089)
Medieval Props (742077869)
Eco's Terrariums (880887081)
The Chasm - Additional Creatures (1787443195)
Valguero Dino and Map Extension (1786522940)
Builder's Improvements, (854186603)
Dino Storage V2 (1609138312)
Castles, Keeps, and Forts Remastered! (1814953878)