Awesome ARKing - Crystal Isles

Awesome ARKing - Crystal Isles
Server Information
Hostname AwesomeArking - Crystal Isles - [2.5XP-3H-5T-15B] - (v358.24)
Status Checked 1 hour ago / Online 28 days ago
Players 0 / 60
Location United Kingdom
Version 358.24
Platform Windows
Map CrystalIsles
Group Awesome ARKing
Registered by anewhomeark
Registered since May 7th, 2021 11:11 AM EST
Last update November 30th, 2022 05:33 AM EST
Last wipe May 15th, 2021 12:00 AM CEST
Tag(s) Modded PvE Survival Evolved Vote Rewards
Vote(s) 0
Rank 10182
Score 0
Favorited 3
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

A Pve Ark Environment That Provides A Friendly, Helpful Place For People To Learn And Enjoy Ark.

We love to provide the opportunity for you to fully enjoy your ark experience and showcase your creations.

A supportive environment for you to design your next awesome build with experienced people to help you, sharing of knowledge and ideas.

We understand how long it takes you to create your perfect creations - and we want to support you in taking your time and enjoying ARK. We will do everything possible to prevent a wipe.

Events, we will activate all the ARK Holiday events when they are enabled. We will also try to organise other events in-game to bring people together.

Super -max-level dinos are possible with many colourful combinations to share with other players, with many QoL improvements for breeding.

Openness - we will be transparent in our settings, decisions and we will engage with you to understand why things are like they are.

Mods, Plug-Ins, Settings have been customised with extensive research and care to provide you with the best experience that works for Casual and Dedicated players.

Economics - we have build an offline trading system to support exchanging of resources and dinos in a safe way with minimal Pay 2 Win.

Launch Date: 15th May 2021
∞ 11 Map Cluster

∞ x2.5 XP, x3 Harvesting, x5 Taming
∞ x15 Maturation, Incubation and x5 Breeding Cooldowns
∞ Flyer Speed is enabled
∞ Weight Reduction, x4 Weight/Level and Increased Stack Sizes
∞ Wild Level Dinos: 150, 180 - Tek Creatures, 190 - Wyverns
∞ Tamed Dinos: +88 Tamed Level-Ups

Key-Featured Mods
∞ Structures Plus+
∞ Dino Storage v2
∞ No Untameables and Krakens Better Dinos
∞ ECOs mods (RP Décor, Tek Décor, Trees and Chibi Displays)
∞ CKF (Castle, Keeps and Forts and Sci Fi)
∞ Auction House

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