SquirtleArk.com | BEST No Wipe PVE ARK Servers Ark Ascended
Server Information | |
Address | |
Hostname | SquirtleArk.com PVE+ No Wipe Center10xAll Maps |
Status | Checked 4 minutes ago |
Players | 9 / 50 |
Location | United States of America |
Version | 61.14 |
Map | TheCenter_WP |
Website | http://squirtleark.com |
Group | SquirtleArk - The Best No Wipe ARK Survival Ascended Servers |
Registered by | lethalitypvp |
Registered since | September 14th, 2022 03:21 AM EST |
Last update | November 19th, 2024 03:57 PM EST |
Last wipe | November 19th, 2024 12:00 AM CET |
Tag(s) | First Person Modded PvE Survival Ascended Third Person Vote Rewards |
Discord Server
Statistics | |
Uptime | |
Vote(s) | 263 |
Rank | 53 |
Score | 439 |
Favorited | 29 |
Discussion(s) | 0 |
About This Server
Official SquirtleArk No-Wipe PVE Cluster on ARK: Survival Evolved and ARK: Survival Ascended - Best No Wipes PVE Server on ARK! ASE Primal Fear, ASE Omega, ASA Primal Chaos, ASA Primal Nemesis, ASA Vanilla PVE, and more! All maps clustered and transferable!
Custom Features:
- Full PVE Protection on ALL Servers. No Destruction!
- All Maps across ARK: Survival Ascended and ARK: Survival Evolved! Enjoy all of the official and even some modded maps on ARK!
- Low PING Servers hosted in North America and Europe
- 10X Rates to ensure a balanced and optimized cluster.
- Completely optimized mod lists, settings, and more. You can view each servers mods by either going to our website or in the in-game browser on ARK Survival Ascended. "
- Many more custom features! Our servers are 100% custom-coded. Over 200 active players daily.
Join the most active playerbase on ARK: Survival Evolved and ARK: Survival Ascended - SquirtleArk.com - Discord.gg/SquirtleArk
↠ ARK: Survival Evolved Server Join IPS: https://www.squirtleark.com/aseips.html
↠ ARK: Survival Ascended Server Join IPS: https://www.squirtleark.com/asaips.html
↠ Official SquirtleArk Discord: https://Discord.gg/SquirtleArk
Our servers feature the following maps:
ARK: Survival Evolved
The Island
The Center
Scorched Earth
Genesis 1
Genesis 2
Crystal Isles
Lost Island
Every map is clustered together! You can transfer everything map-to-map instantly and seamlessly!
ARK: Survival Ascended
The Island
The Center
Scorched Earth
Extinction (coming soon)
Every map is clustered together! You can transfer everything map-to-map instantly and seamlessly!