Server Information
Hostname FerentariArK X7H/X10T [S+/KBD/MODS/NOWIPE/CAVE+] - (v358.24)
Status Checked 2 minutes ago
Players 0 / 70
Location Europe
Version 358.24
Platform Windows
Map Ragnarok
Website https://discord.com/invite/tPzKVhf75A
Registered by cart1tza666
Registered since January 19th, 2023 01:55 AM EST
Last update February 25th, 2024 12:35 AM EST
Tag(s) First Person Modded PvP Ragnarok Survival Evolved Third Person Vote Rewards

Discord Server

Vote(s) 189
Rank 121
Score 279
Favorited 3
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Hello, My name is Sindro and i present to you an exceptional ARK server where you can chill and have fun pvping, the server is made in such a way where pvping isnt difficult and you can go to sleep without being scared you will wake up in the morning and your base will be deleted.

I hope you will have fun playing on the full cluster and enjoy all the awesome mods and no lag gameplay.

At level 180 you auto unlock all TEKGRAMS you can reach this level without