Ark Empire - Aberration

Server Information
Hostname Ark Empire Aberration - (v358.24)
Status Checked 43 minutes ago / Online 29 days ago
Players 0 / 15
Location United States of America
Version 358.24
Platform Windows
Map Aberration
Registered by Andrewjk89
Registered since March 3rd, 2023 06:03 PM EST
Last update March 3rd, 2023 06:03 PM EST
Tag(s) Aberration Modded PvE Survival Evolved Vote Rewards

Discord Server

Vote(s) 0
Rank 10182
Score 0
Favorited 0
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Welcome to Ark Empire!
Ark Empire is an inclusive community of fellow ark players ranging from novice to veteran. Friendly and active, we are happy to help everyone. So if you like dinosaurs, building, and want a positive and caring community JOIN OURS. We look forward to seeing you!

Server Highlights include:
-Events happen often!
-Community centers on The Island, Aberration, Genesis, Crystal Isles, Valguero, and Extinction
-Soon to be added features: Cross server chat, and more!

Server Staff

Server Owners: Kerowyn (Dust) | Brightness Iyo
Server Admins: Flame | Karma: The Enlightened One | gwdwarrior | Krenith
Discord Admin: Andrew
Map Admins: Jobra (Aberration)

Server Rates
1.5x Exp
8x Taming
2x Harvesting
2x Fishing/Loot Multiplier
0.8x Food Drain
0.8x Water Drain
0.8x Stamina Drain
20x Egg Hatch Speed
10x Baby Maturation
0.25 Baby Cuddle Interval
0.5x Egg Lay Interval
0.01 Mating Interval
Max Wild Creature: 150
Max Wild Tek Creature: 180
Max Wild Wyvern/Rock Drake Eggs: 190
Max Character Level: 105 (+60 Ascension Levels)(+10 Explorer Note Levels)(+5 Chibi Levels)

Other Useful Info
-Tribe Limit: 15
-30 Minute Autosaves
-Wild Dino Pickup Enabled
-Cave Flyers Enabled
-Building In Genesis Mission Areas Enabled
-Automatic Daily Restarts at 4:00am EST
-Daily Wild Dino Wipe (5 Minutes before Server Restart)
-Automatic decay timer, which frees up valuable build spots!

Mod List:
Discord Invite:

Other Servers

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NA / 15 Modded PvE Ragnarok Survival Evolved Vote Rewards
NA / 15 Modded PvE Survival Evolved Valguero