Apex Battleground

Server Information
Hostname Where's Ark 2?
Status Checked 2 minutes ago
Players 0 / 20
Location United States of America
Version 39.32
Map TheIsland_WP
Registered by mannyPC
Registered since November 30th, 2023 10:58 PM EST
Last update January 1st, 2024 05:24 PM EST
Tag(s) First Person Modded PvE PvP Survival Ascended Third Person
Vote(s) 0
Rank 2694
Score 3
Favorited 1
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Apex Battle Grounds is a PVP oriented server with several quality-of-life improvements. Our plan is to build a network that allows for extended playtime in the community. Our wipe schedule is every 3-4 months to allow players to enjoy the building and breeding aspects of the game. As such, we allow a "Passive Pen" to preserve a select few of your breeding lines. Make sure to visit our discord for the rules regarding the use of "Passive Pens". The server is a 4 man, 15x server with the following add-ons.

Our coin-based shop offers resources and rebuild kits in the event of an untimely raid. Complete missions or hunt for trophies and redeem them for the resources of your choosing.

Featured Collections:

Free Starter Kits:

3 Argent with Saddle Kits
3 Ptera with Saddle Kits

Gamma Rebuild Kit:

3x3/1 High Building Kit
4 Turrets
4 Species X-Plant
500 Bullets Per Turret
500 Gas
2 Refining Forges
2 Mortar and Pestle
1 Generator

Beta Rebuild Kit:

6x6/2 High Building Kit
8 Turrets
8 Species X-Plant
500 Bullets Per Turret
1000 Gas
4 Refining Forges
4 Mortar and Pestle
1 Generator

Alpha Rebuild Kit:

12x12/3 High Building Kit
12 Turrets
12 Species X-Plant
500 Bullets Per Turret
1500 Gas
6 Refining Forges
6 Mortar and Pestle
1 Fabricator
1 Generator