LumixARK 15x | Crystal Isles

Server Information
Status Checked 1 hour ago / Online 44 days ago
Players NA / 70
Location Germany
Version 358.17
Registered by AdamTERMS
Registered since April 15th, 2024 02:59 PM EST
Last update April 15th, 2024 02:59 PM EST
Tag(s) Survival Evolved
Vote(s) 0
Rank 10323
Score 0
Favorited 0
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Server Settings
Harvest: 15x
XP: 50x
Taming: 1000x (Insta Tame)
Breeding: 25x
Blue & Yellow OSDs: Disabled (Only Red and Purple OSDs spawn)

Dino Changes
(NERF) Maewing Tamed Resistance: 0.3 (Only prim saddle)
(NERF) Desmo Tamed Resistance: 0.5 (Only prim saddle)
(NERF) Mantis Tamed Resistance: 0.3 (Only prim saddle)
(NERF) Carcha's are NOT breedable

Item Changes
(NERF) Bola lasts for 8 seconds (8 seconds players, 30 seconds dinos) Lumix Bola Unique: After being bola'd you're immune bolas for 60 seconds (60 seconds for players, 20 seconds for dinos)
(NERF) Lava damage in the lava golem cave does 50 damage per tick
(NERF) Clubs are capped at 250% damage
(NERF) Yuty Saddle is capped at 50% armor
(NERF) Daeodon saddle is capped at 50% armor

Custom Recipes
Grappling Hook = 8 Metal Ingots
Shotgun Ammo = 6 Metal Ingot, 12 Gunpowder
Tranq Arrow = 2 Stone Arrows
Narcotics = 12 Narcoberry
Shadow Steak = 12 Cooked Prime Meat, 4 Narcoberries
Focal Chili = 12 Mejoberries, 4 Cooked Prime Meat
Lazarus Chowder = 12 Amarberry, 4 Cooked Prime Meat
Medbrew = 20 Tinto Berry
Cementing Paste = 12 Stone
Silencer = 1 Stone

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