Chaotic Minds Island

Server Information
Hostname Chaotic Minds Island
Status Checked 24 minutes ago / Online 37 days ago
Players 0 / 70
Location United States of America
Version 47.2
Map TheIsland_WP
Registered by Raz0rsEDGE
Registered since April 19th, 2024 11:09 AM EST
Last update May 18th, 2024 09:07 AM EST
Tag(s) First Person Modded PvE Survival Ascended Third Person

Discord Server

Vote(s) 0
Rank 10131
Score 0
Favorited 1
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Rates: xp-1.3x, Taming-2x, Harvest-2x, 150 max wild level (specials 180), Hatch-3x, Raising-3x, and more changes. Mod list at the bottom.

Are you tired of playing on official servers and not having support for when a player screws with you? Are you tired of rates that suck? Do you still want that official experience but with boosted (better than official that is) stats, mods, and ACTIVE staff members?

Well look no further than Chaotic Minds Gaming Ark servers! We only have the Ascended version as of right now but come on, it's better than that old potato version that no longer receives updates. Crossplay is currently enabled with staff able to work with multiple systems. We have The Island and Scorched Earth running right now with plans to expand in the future.

Come on by and check us out. Hopefully we'll see you soon!

Also forgot to mention, it's totally free to play. No donations required, no mandatory purchases to play with us, just free times.

Backpack (929243)
Better Chat [Crossplatform] (931527)
Chute & Scoot Grenades (955556)
Human_NPCs_ASA (947835)
Admin Panel (929868)
Pelayori's Cryo Storage (Crossplay!) (928793)
Alfa Submarine (982611)
Cyrus' Critters: Magna Gecko (965961)
Cyrus' Critters: Jumping Spider (1007609)
Svartalfheim Armory (933301)
MX-E Ark Shop UI (942249)
Sinomacrops (935502)
Ascended Hovercrafts (1006701)
Silent Structures (930381)
Additions Ascended: Archelon (926956)
Structure Management Tool (Pickup Structures, Transfer Inventory etc.) (955451)
AutoDoors (931047)
Loot Grabber (935985)
CliffPlatforms (933872)
Alfa Oceanic Platforms (933447)
Nanoh's Reusables (Cross Platform) (939874)
Additions Ascended: Ceratosaurus (900062)
Shiny! Dinos Ascended (928548)
Nanoh's Ascended Accessories (963051)
Gaia: Commands (936457)
Dwarven Builders Mod (924900)
Awesome Spyglass! (947033)
RR-AdminStuff (942574)
Additional Munitions (932789)
Resonant's Shop Mod (936660)

Other Servers

Rank Server Players Status Tags
NA / 70 First Person Modded PvE Survival Ascended Third Person