06/4/2024 - DLA The Center - ORP,NPBP - 10xT,5xXp/H

Server Information
Hostname 06/5/24 - DLA The Center - ORP,NPBP - 10xT,5xXp/H
Status Checked <1 minute ago
Players 0 / 32
Location United States of America
Version 48.12
Map TheCenter_WP
Group Dragon Land Ascended Servers
Registered by FF_david
Registered since June 3rd, 2024 12:21 PM EST
Last update June 16th, 2024 02:58 PM EST
Tag(s) First Person Modded PvE PvP Survival Ascended Third Person
Vote(s) 4
Rank 379
Score 9
Favorited 1
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Dragon Land Gaming Cluster Just wiped on 6/3/2023 for the new map drop, 6man tribes, 10x harvest, 5x Exp, 10x times. ! We are a new gaming community and looking to grow. We have planned events and much more and planed to have the new maps up on day one.

Island - 6/3/2024 - DLA The Island - ORP,NPBP - 10xT,5xXp/H
Scorched Earth - 06/3/2024 - DLA - Scorched Earth - ORP,NPBP - 10xT,5xXp/H
The Center - 06/4/2024 - DLA The Center - ORP,NPBP - 10xT,5xXp/H

able to level speed player and dino ( non flyer )
Custom Engrams Pre LeveL - able to unlock all as solo
Max Structures In Range - 10500
Max dino ( tamed not Cryo ) 300 pre tribe out at one time.
Dino turret damage multiplier - 1.5
Draining multi ( food, Water ) - 0.25
Player Harvesting Damage Multiplier - 5
Player Damage Multiplier - 2
Regeneration Multiplier - 2
All Xp - 5
Supply Drop - 2.5
Mating Interval Multiplier - 0.25 ( 1/4 the reset speed on Offical )
Baby growth - 5
Harvest Amount Multiplier - 10x

multiple other stats changed to 5x now.

Mod List:
Base Protection Suite
Automated Ark
Solo Farm Mod
TG Stacking Mod 10000-90
Pelayori's Cryo Storage (Crossplay!)
Awesome Teleporters!

just Search Dragon Land gaming

Other Servers

Rank Server Players Status Tags
0 / 32 First Person Modded PvP Survival Ascended Third Person
0 / 32 First Person Modded PvE PvP Survival Ascended Third Person