Server Information
Hostname [15/06][OCE] Omega Sanctuary 50x PVP
Status Checked 9 minutes ago / Online 6 days ago
Players 0 / 20
Location Australia
Version 46.4
Map TheCenter_WP
Registered by MrChen
Registered since June 16th, 2024 02:26 AM EST
Last update June 16th, 2024 02:26 AM EST
Tag(s) Survival Ascended
Vote(s) 0
Rank 9464
Score 0
Favorited 0
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Welcome to OMEGA SANCTUARY, an innovative ARK: Survival Ascended server that combines high-paced gameplay with a vibrant community. Designed for both seasoned players and newcomers, our server offers a unique and exhilarating PvP experience with enhanced rates and a strong focus on community engagement.

Server Features
PvP Focus: Engage in intense player versus player combat, form alliances, and compete for dominance in a challenging and dynamic environment.
50x Rates: Enjoy faster progression with 50x gathering, taming, and experience rates, allowing you to jump straight into the action without the grind.
Active Community: Join a growing and dedicated community of ARK enthusiasts. Participate in events, share strategies, and make new friends.
Expansion Plans: Based on community growth and feedback, we plan to expand OMEGA SANCTUARY into a multi-server cluster, offering even more opportunities for exploration and conquest.

Our Vision
OMEGA SANCTUARY was created with the vision of pushing the boundaries of traditional ARK servers. We aim to provide a platform where players can experience the thrill of high-stakes PvP, rapid progression, and a supportive community. Our goal is to foster a space where experimentation and innovation thrive, ensuring a fresh and engaging experience for all players.

Community Engagement
We believe in the power of community. Our dedicated Discord server serves as the hub for all player interactions, where you can find support, participate in events, and contribute to the server's evolution through your feedback. Our admin team is always available to ensure a fair and enjoyable gaming environment.

Join Us
Whether you're looking for intense PvP battles, fast-paced progression, or a welcoming community, OMEGA SANCTUARY is the place for you. Join us on this exciting journey and help shape the future of ARK: Survival Ascended.

Connect with us on Discord and start your adventure today!