Beezlebufo Ark Cluster

Server Information
Hostname BeezleBufo Island ~ Cluster ~ Discord~ 5T 3H 10B
Status Checked 2 hours ago / Online 38 days ago
Players 0 / 25
Location United States of America
Version 58.49
Map TheIsland_WP
Registered by Katkurosumi
Registered since January 5th, 2025 05:46 PM EST
Last update January 5th, 2025 07:54 PM EST
Tag(s) Survival Ascended
Vote(s) 0
Rank 9853
Score 0
Favorited 1
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Hi we are a new ark survival ascended cluster that is aiming to build a fun ark experience. Most of the admins are from other long running clusters that have experience with hosting events, solving problems, and great at keeping in touch with everyone in the discord. (We do know our cluster is misspelled but its part of the charm lol) Our Cluster does have 10 Mods (One is a PCS Cryopod Mod which we may remove) We strive to not have a ton of Mods on our Cluster as it can cause issues later on. We DO plan to eventually open a very Modded Cluster as well =D this will include way more dinos for everyone to tame and have different ways of taming dinos such as Paleo Mod.

Server information
EXP Gain: 3x
Harvest Rate: 3x
Taming Speed: 5x
Mating Speed: 2x
Mature Speed: 10x
Hatch Speed: 10x
Cuddle Interval: 24min
Decay timer: 2x

Pelayori's Cryo Storage
TG Stacking Mod 1000-50
Arkitect Structures Remastered
Shiny! Dinos Ascended
Paleo ARK - Evolution | Apex Predators
Paleo ARK EVO+ | Native Aquatics
Cyrus' Critters: Jumping Spider
Cyrus's Critters: Gecko
Currently Winter Wonderland

We do have a Donation shop and we are using Bush Berry Bush Seed as a Currency in our cluster. We have boosted rates listed below and by no means are we or shall we ever be a Pay to win Cluster. (All donations or packages bought are used to help our cluster either by paying to keep the maps up or to fund our bots/equipment needed to keep our cluster up and running)

We are still learning how to host a cluster so please bear with us if something is broken or needing fixed (we have 2 coders who will work on solutions as soon as they can) We also have a suggestions channel so please feel free to give us any suggestions or helpful tips you have.

We are PG 13 Server but we will not tolerate anyone abusing language, race, etc.
What is planned for the Cluster?

- We are aiming to have all the Maps as they release (All Official Maps) Note we do not use Nitrado we use our own PCs to Host this Cluster
- Have Fun Events such as Dino Markets, Holiday Events, Arena Battles, Terror Bird Jump, Fishing Events, and much more!
- Finding the Right Bots to help run the Discord more smoothly ( We do have a ticket bot, Giveaway/auction bot) We also have Paid for Beacon.
- Finding a good group of players who enjoy playing the game and are active