LegacyARK - PVP - NoWipe - Ragnarok - Ark Survival Evolved

LegacyARK - PVP - NoWipe - Ragnarok - Ark Survival Evolved
Server Information
Hostname LegacyARK - PvP - No Wipe - Ragnarok - (v358.24)
Status Checked 2 minutes ago
Players 0 / 20
Location Germany
Version 358.24
Platform Windows
Map Ragnarok
Group LegacyARK - PVP - NoWipe - Cluster - Ark Survival Evolved
Registered by Marco101
Registered since March 16th, 2025 09:43 AM EST
Last update March 16th, 2025 01:43 PM EST
Tag(s) First Person Modded PvP Ragnarok Survival Evolved Third Person Vote Rewards

Discord Server

Vote(s) 0
Rank 1694
Score 5
Favorited 0
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

!!!!!SERVER START 16.03.2025!!!!!

Server IP's for Steam favorites:
The Island IP:
Valguero IP:
Extinction IP:
Ragnarok IP:
Crystal Isles IP:

Discord: https://discord.gg/mQNsvfFh3h

LegacyARK is a 3 Man, PVP, NoWipe, Cluster for Ark Survival Evolved

- New Player Protection: 14 Days 100 % Raid Protection for new players and new tribes
- Raid Protection after NPP: When a player or tribe goes offline, their structures remain vulnerable for 3 hours. After this period, offline raid protection activates. The 3-hour timer resets each time the player or tribe comes online.
- Modded Caves & New Caves

Mods: S+ Structures, Awesome SpyGlass, Caves Mod, Stack Mod, Dino Storage v2, Shop Mod.
Plugins: New Player Protection, Turret Manager, TribeLog, CrossClusterChat, Fast Rejoin, NoBuildingOnSpawnPoints.

Tribe Limit 3
Edit Caves + New Caves
Harvest = x13 (Dinos harvest more the higher their damage is)
Experience = x13
Taming = x15
Egg Incubation = x38
Baby Maturation = x43
Mating Interval = x0.07
Weight Player & Dino = Infinity
Cave Damage = x6
Loot Quality = x1.3
Official cap on items
Alliances = Disabled
Turret damage = x1,5
Turret limit in range = 100
Always Allow Structure Pickup = True
Crop Growth Speed = x10
Per Level Stats Multiplier:
HP = 10
Stamina = 10
Weight = 5000
Speed = 1,5
Crafting Speed = 5
Fortitude = 2

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0 / 20 First Person Modded PvP Survival Evolved Third Person Vote Rewards