Extinction Chronicles II, & ARKaeology Ending Tomorrow!
Posted on July 16th, 2018 06:46 PM EST
Extinction Chronicles II!
Tomorrow there will be a client and server side update that will bring Extinction Chronicles II to survivors on PC, Xbox, and PS4.
Leading up to the release of Extinction there will be monthly drops of Extinction-related Explorer Notes on The Island, Scorched Earth, and Aberration. Once collected these notes will unlock new Extinction-related skins!
There will also be the appearance of more powerful Tek-themed Dinosaur variants within the ARKs each month. These Tek Dinos are permanent additions (meaning they will continue to spawn even after the event is over), with a new one beginning to appear each month. In Extinction Chronicles I we released three Explorer Notes, the Corrupted Helmet and the Tek Rex. Tomorrow we're excited to bring you three new Explorer Notes, the Corrupted Boots and a new Tek creature, the Tek Stego!
In addition, special colored dinos will be populating the ARKs. You'll be able to find creatures sporting purple, black, grey, and dark blue for the next week beginning tomorrow. Be sure to take advantage of these special colors before they're extinct!
Patch Notes!
Here are the full fixes and notes coming in tomorrows Extinction Chronicles update.
Extinction Chronicles
- Increased Player and Dino Level Cap by 1
- Added 3 new Explorer Notes
- Added Corrupted Boots unlockable
- Fixed Corrupted Helmet colorization
- Tek Stego (with new breeding line, 5% chance to spawns, 20% higher base level)
- Be on the lookout for Purple, Blue, Black, and Grey dinos for the next week!
Addressed map exploit
The Center bosses now yield more Element (30, 83, and 184 for Easy, Medium and Hard respectively)
Scorched Earth
- Electric Storm only affects tek weapons, tek turrets, tek saddles, and tek shield generators
- Electric Storm duration bumped to 8 minutes
- Riot shield can now be crafted from the fabricator
- Crop plots now correctly grow when out range
Added admin commands
- RainDinos
- RainDanger
- RefillStats
- GiveArmorSet
- GiveWeaponSet
- GiveItemSet
- ClearMyBuffs
ARKaeology Event Ends Tomorrow!
There is currently an event going on in the world of ARK: ARKaeology! The event will end on Official Servers on July 17th. Collect bones from fossil mounds and craft them into 4 new skins and returning skeleton costumes.
During this event all wild dinos have a chance to spawn with additional mutation colors: White, Yellow, Grey, and Black. There is also the mighty Tek Rex which you can find and tame, if you can handle it!
Be sure to take advantage of the last day of this event before it's over!
ARK: Evolution Event - Fourth of July!
Survivors across ALL Platforms will be receiving a special Evolution Event perk this weekend! It will be active from Friday the 20th of July at 1 PM EST until Monday the 23rd of July at 3 PM EST. All Official Servers across each platform will be undergoing this evolutionary change which includes:
2x Harvesting Rates
2x Taming Rates
2x EXP Rates
That's it for this post guys! As always if you’ve got anything to share please get in touch and be sure to follow us on:
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