A Pve Ark Environment That Provides A Friendly, Helpful Place For People To Learn And Enjoy Ark.
We love to provide the opportunity for you to fully enjoy your ark experience and showcase your creations.
Builders A supportive environment for you to design your next awesome build with experienced people to help you, sharing of knowledge and ideas.
No-Wipe We understand how long it takes you to create your perfect creations - and we want to support you in taking your time and enjoying ARK. We will do everything possible to prevent a wipe.
Events Events, we will activate all the ARK Holiday events when they are enabled. We will also try to organise other events in-game to bring people together.
Breeders Super -max-level dinos are possible with many colourful combinations to share with other players, with many QoL improvements for breeding.
Transparency Openness - we will be transparent in our settings, decisions and we will engage with you to understand why things are like they are.
Customisation Mods, Plug-Ins, Settings have been customised with extensive research and care to provide you with the best experience that works for Casual and Dedicated players.
Economy Economics - we have build an offline trading system to support exchanging of resources and dinos in a safe way with minimal Pay 2 Win.